
Native access read permission
Native access read permission

To view the permission changes made by a specific user, go to the User Based Reports, and select the Folder Permissions Changed report. A similar report filtered based on the server you choose is displayed. If you want to filter the permissions changed based on the server in which the files/folders reside, simply switch to Server Based Reports and navigate to the Folder Permissions Changed report. With these details, you can investigate further if you think the permission change seems malicious.


Note that in this example, Mark Lloyd has been given full control during this permission change. The Account Name and Security ID will show you who changed the file’s/folder's owner or permissions.

  • Task Category: File System or Removable Storage.
  • Go to the Windows Security logs, and search for: Checking for the event on your Event Viewer
  • Retention method for security log to Overwrite events as needed.ģ.
  • Audit Handle Manipulation: Select both Success and Failures.
  • Audit File System: Select both Success and Failures.
  • Go to Advanced Audit Policy Configuration → Audit Policies → Object Access:.
  • Go to Local Policies → Audit Policy: Audit object access. Select both Success and Failures.
  • Go to Computer Configuration → Policies → Windows Settings → Security Settings.
  • Go to your Group Policy management console, and edit the Default Domain Policy.
  • native access read permission native access read permission

    Click Show Advanced Permissions, select Change permissions and Take ownership.Select Principal: Everyone Type: All Applies to: This folder, sub-folders, and files.Select the Security tab → Advanced → Auditing → Add. Select the file you want to audit and go to Properties.Setting up the file's audit system access control list (SACL):

    Native access read permission